Having computer problems? Is your Computer Slow?
Is your Laptop showing the Blue screen? Crashing? Freezing up?
Do you get Software errors? Pop ups?
Need PC Help installing new software? Help setting up your system?
Having Trouble with your Wireless Router? Do you need a New Wireless Router?
Dr Fixit Computer Service can Help
Virus and Spyware removal – Speeds up computers and Laptops and improves performance
Windows Operating System Tune-up – Speeds up computers and Laptops and improves performance
Internet Troubleshooting – Helps you get online if you can’t get to the internet
Wireless Router Setup – Internet access for mobile devices, games and Laptops
Software installation – Helps you get your new software installed and working right
Wireless Printer Setup – Allows Computers, Laptops and mobile devices to print to wireless printers
General Computer Help – Anything you need us to set up, install or configure